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Red Wolf: Why Is It Endangered?

Red wolves are the most endangered species of wolf. These social animals who live in packs were once found throughout most of the eastern United States. They are now limited to northeastern North Carolina, with only about 30 of their species living in the wild today.

  • Status: Critically endangered
  • Known as: Red Wolf
  • Estimated numbers left in the wild: 100 (formerly 0)

Red wolf populations declined significantly during the twentieth century due to habitat loss and government agencies’ predator control programs. They now face many threats, including continued land development, road construction, hunting, trapping, etc.

These pressures have led to a great deal of debate among biologists on how best to conserve this captive-bred population; some believe that these wolves must be reintroduced back into their historic range, while others argue that they should remain where they are.


Red Wolf

Red Wolves (Canis lupus rufus) are a type of wolf in North America. They live in the southern United States and eastern Canada, but their population has decreased to only 100 individuals due to habitat destruction and hunting.

Anatomy and Appearance

Red wolves are about the size of a coyote, with reddish fur, long ears, and a slender muzzle. They are the only species of wolf that is both gray and red. Their thick coat of fur helps protect them from cold winters and hot summers.

Red Wolves have long and slender muzzle with a black nose. They generally have a reddish coat, but the color can vary from dark red-brown to gray-red. Red wolves have longer ears than other wolf species, which helps them stay cool in hot weather.

They are the largest of all the wild dogs in North America. These species have a very sharp sense of smell and vision, but their hearing is not as good as other animals in the Canidae family. These species are carnivores who eat deer, rodents, and rabbits.

The red wolf is a medium-sized wolf confined to the United States. It measures 95 to 120 centimeters long, exclusive of the tail, and weighs 20 to 35 kilograms.

This sleek, agile candid is smaller and lighter than grey wolves, with an almost fox-like appearance in some regards. The fur is charcoal grey but with red accents ranging from just a hint of russet to a cinnamon pelage with just a few dark grey dots.

Males are slightly larger than females red wolf. Though it was thought for a time that red wolves were merely coyote/grey wolf hybrids, advanced modern genetic studies suggest strongly that they are a separate species.

Red Wolf DNA

Red wolf in natural habitat premium photo on Our Endangered World.

In the Red Wolf DNA Studies, the researchers sequenced the wolf genome and found that it is very similar to the gray wolf, except for a few genes. Red wolves are also more closely related to coyotes than gray wolves.

The Red Wolf DNA Studies will help in the conservation of these wolves. The studies also found that these species and coyotes mated, which is why these wolves look like a mix of a gray wolf and a coyote.


Today, all wild red wolves exist solely because of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which created a captive breeding program to rescue the species from extinction.

Therefore, they are largely confined to the spots where humans chose to reintroduce them, though the population seems to be multiplying naturally and will eventually spread.

Thus, the red wolf today is found only in five counties in North Carolina, in several National Wildlife Refuges.

Formerly, it ranged throughout the south-eastern United States in coastal habitats, swamps and wetlands, and the vast hardwood forests that once grew in the region (and which survive in a fragmented state today).

Wolves are mainly found in the Southern United States, specifically in southern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky. They are also found in eastern Canada.

Red Wolf Habitat

In their natural state, these wolves are apex predators in several specialized habitats, such as swamps and coastal prairies, plus forests in the southeastern quadrant of North America.

These species are equally adapted to being solitary or pack hunters, mostly feeding on rabbits and nutria when alone and killing white-tailed deer when cooperating with others of their kind.

Packs are small, consisting of one monogamous, dominant pair, and they’re young. Like other wolves, they communicate by howling, using scent marking and other signals to convey information.

Young wolves often disperse from the family pack to seek other wolves and start small packs, thus preventing inbreeding. Dens are built-in sandy knolls, large hollow trees, caves in the midst of thick, concealing vegetation, or as riverbank excavations.

These animals are secretive, keeping to the terrain where lines of sight are limited and emerging mostly at dusk or dawn (showing a crepuscular activity cycle). Red wolves are strongly territorial and are seldom killed by other predators.

Black bears will occasionally chase these wolves away from a kill, however. Individual wolves can live up to 15 years, but the hardships of their environment usually cause them when they are 7 to 8.

Diet and Nutrition

These wolf species are omnivores that feed on a variety of prey, including deer, rodents, and rabbits. Their very strong jaws help them crush their prey’s bones. The wolf also consumes a lot of vegetation, which helps them digest their prey.

The species are an important part of the ecosystem, and their diet helps to keep the populations of deer and other prey in check.

Mating Habits

Red wolves have a unique mating method. They are monogamous for life and are not allowed to mate with another Red wolf that is not part of their pack. They also rely on the dominance hierarchy that they have created within their pack to determine which Red Wolf will mate.

These species will only mate with a Red Wolf that is not their equal within the pack. They have a unique mating process that combines communal denning, paternal care, and monogamous mating. The pups rely on both parents for food and protection from predators when they are young.

Red wolves take turns watching the pups so they are not all defenseless. They also combine pack hunting to fight off predators within their territory. They have a unique communication system with each other, and prey animals often use the communication system to protect themselves from predators.

Female Red Wolves weigh about 30 pounds. Red wolves have long, bushy tails and large dark noses. These wolves have a dark mask around their eyes, a red fur coat, light to sandy grey on their underbelly, and finally, the Red species of wolves have five toes. They are the largest wolf in North America. Red wolves can live up to 13 years in the wild and 18 in captivity.

Male Red Wolves weigh about 50 pounds and have a long, bushy tail and a large dark nose. They start with a dark mask around their eyes, but it fades away as they age. These wolf species also only possess four toes and the Red Wolf is not the largest wolf in North America.


These social animals are found in tightly packed packs. The typical pack comprises five to seven species, including a breeding adult pair and their descendants.

Younger offspring may help the breeding couple raise the pups. About half of the children from two years old are destined for the pack if absent. They generally form pair bonds for the rest of their lifespan and meet once every January.

Puppies normally begin to emerge from a deep underground nest in a hollow tree, a streambank, and on a sandy beach in April or May. Dens can also be found near fallen tree stumps or in fallen trees buried underneath soil.

Group Structure

Wolves have a unique social structure. They live in packs of 2 to 10 Red wolves, typically made up of an adult breeding pair and their descendants.

The young wolves help the breeding adults care for the Red wolf pups. Red wolves typically form pair bonds for the rest of their lifespan and meet once every January.

They usually live together in a pack of three to twenty individuals, led by an alpha male and an alpha female. The species usually has a home range of about 200 miles in diameter; they find most of their prey within the boundaries of this range.

They live in the Southern United States and eastern Canada, but the number of Red Wolf is decreasing due to habitat destruction and hunting.

The packs consist of 2 to 10 members, with an average of 5 Red wolves. Unlike other wolf subspecies, they travel during the day instead of at night. They communicate with each other by howling to alert other packs within their territory, but they will also use physical gestures, such as tail positions and nose twitches.

Reproduction and Lifespan

Red wolves mate for life, and parents help care for the young. Litters usually consist of four to six puppies but may have as many as twelve. Red wolf pups are born in dens, which may be natural or dug by the parents. Dens are often located in hollow logs, under roots, or thickets.

They protect their young and attack humans who come too close to their dens. Pups are born with their eyes closed and begin to open them after about 3 – 4 days.

These species become independent around six months of age but often remain with the family group for another six months or so. Red wolves may live up to 13 years in the wild and 14 years in zoos.

Red wolves are one of the most endangered animals found in North America. The reproduction is not known to be year-round, with bond pairs typically breeding during their first winter together. Red wolf lifespan is quite short, with records indicating that they only live up to 4 years old.

They typically prey on white-tailed deer, rodents, and rabbits. They are very territorial and mark their land with urine and glandular secretions.

Red Wolf Pup

A Red Wolf pup is just like any other of his or her kind. They grow quickly and become very active. Red wolf pups can be vocal and howl, bark, and shriek to communicate with their pack mates.

Red wolf pups are not fully grown until they are 12 months old. These species live in groups called packs, generally comprised of the parents and their offspring.

Red Wolf Pup to adulthood is a Red Wolf’s life span of about 3 years in the wild before it dies from natural causes or hunting by humans.

Red Wolf pups are born in dens that their parents have prepared. Red Wolf pups are cared for by both parents until they are old enough to leave the den.

Red Wolf pups learn how to hunt and survive from their parents. They are very social animals and live in packs. These wolves can weigh up to 60 pounds and live up to 10 years in the wild.

Red Wolf pups are born with closed eyes and will open them after a week. They have mesmerizing eyes that can look right through you if they want to, which is probably why these species of wolves have been closely linked to the legend of ghost wolves.

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Wild Red wolf population

Red Wolf populations are decreasing because of the destruction of their natural habitat and the hunting of Red Wolves.

The Red Wolf is an endangered subspecies of North American wild canid that dwells in the southeastern United States. The population used to be much larger, with hundreds of these species in the wild. Red Wolf conservationists are working tirelessly to preserve the species from extinction.

Red Wolf Hunting

Red wolves are very successful hunters because wolves can easily adapt to their prey animals changing their habits, these species have a high endurance for running, they are great swimmers and pack animals. Red Wolf packs rely on each other to work as a team while hunting.

They also will howl together to alert other packs within the territory of incoming danger. Wolves have a unique Red wolf communication system that allows them to communicate with each other.

Red wolf species rely on Red Wolves that are not equal within the pack to mate with. Red Wolf packs have 2 to 10 members, with an average of 5 wolves.

Unlike other wolf subspecies, they travel during the day instead of at night. They communicate with each other by howling to alert other Red Wolf packs within their territory. Still, they will also use physical gestures, such as the Red wolf communication system, such as tail positions and nose twitches.

Role in the Ecosystems

Endangered Red wolves play an important role in the ecosystems they inhabit. They are predators, and their presence helps to keep the wild populations of their prey species in check.

These species also help to disperse seeds and promote forest growth. Red wolf populations have declined in recent years due to habitat destruction and hunting, but they remain an important part of the ecosystems they inhabit. Red wolf populations are also threatened by diseases transmitted from the Red Wolf’s prey, such as rabies and cankers.

The Red Wolf is an apex predator, meaning it is at the top of the food chain in its environment. This gives wolves a unique place among predators because they do not themselves have natural predators.

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Red Wolf vs Other Wolf Species

These endangered wolves are smaller than other wolf species and have a reddish coat. Red Wolf species are also the only surviving species of the Canis genus in the eastern United States.

They are critically endangered, and their population is estimated to be around 100 individuals. These species’ populations declined due to habitat destruction, loss of feeding grounds, and hunting. Since they were hunted back to near-extinction levels, they only live in protected areas. Red Wolf is also known as Red Dog or Red Fox.

Red wolves are pack animals that live together in families with one male and several females. Their territory can be up to 100 square miles, and they mark their boundaries by secreting marks with their scent glands along the borders of their territory. These creatures live in wooded areas with clearings for hunting and open water for drinking.

They are nocturnal animals that generally avoid humans at all costs, but sometimes, they might attack livestock if there is not enough natural prey to eat.

Red wolves can be distinguished from other wolf species by their reddish-tan coat and the rusty grey color of their back. They use vocalizations, scent-marking, body language, and facial expressions to communicate with other wolves.

These wolves are monogamous, whereas most wolf pairs last only one season before separating. They often hunt in packs called “packs” or “fans.”

Red Wolf and Human Relationship

Red wolves have been hunted for years as pest control because they killed livestock. Development projects also threatened them because humans invaded their territory.

And finally, the Red Wolf populations were decimated during the era of eradication programs against rabies. Wolves olfs will continue to be endangered if humans threaten them by killing them or destroying their habitat.

Red Wolf Facts

Here’s a list of the interesting Red Wolf facts you should know.

  • These species are monogamous animals, meaning they mate with just one partner for life.
  • They also bark, howl and whine to communicate with each other.
  • They are the only species of wolf that lives in North America! Red wolves are called Red wolves because they have reddish-brown fur.
  • The majority of the diet of red wolves consists of deer, rodents, and rabbits.
  • Beautiful animals communicate with each other through barks, howls, and whines.
  • They used to be all over North America but are now endangered by habitat degradation and hunting.
  • Human activity drove them out of their homes in the Southern United States and eastern Canada.
  • Now, these wolves only live in the wild in North America! Red wolves can be found at zoos and wildlife preserves.
  • They eat deer, rodents, and rabbits to survive. Red Wolves are an endangered species because of habitat degradation and hunting.
  • These animals can eat 50 pounds of food in one day.

Other Wolf Species

A pack of red wolves in their natural habitat (source: [Our Endangered World](

Other wolf species are also endangered. The Red Wolf is one example, and the Gray Wolf is another. The Mexican Wolf is also endangered, and its population is estimated only to be around 30 individuals.

Red wolves were once found in large numbers across eastern North America, but habitat destruction and hunting have driven them to the point where they are now only found in certain parts of Eastern North Carolina. Red wolves are also one of the largest canines in the world.

Red wolves can weigh up to 80 pounds, almost twice as much as some breeds of domestic dogs. They have even been known to attack and eat porcupines, which is unusual since Red Wolves are not the type of wolf that generally preys on other animals.

Red wolves may be endangered due to hunting, but Red Wolf numbers have also decreased because of habitat destruction.

Conservation Status

Sleeping Red Wolf

The Red wolf is classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. It is one of the most endangered animals in North America.

Due to habitat destruction and hunting, the population of red wolves has decreased to only 100. They used to live in the southern United States and eastern Canada, but their range has decreased dramatically.

Many conservation efforts are being made to help the Red wolf, such as captive breeding programs with breeding pairs and protected areas. Red wolves are highly threatened by habitat destruction, lack of prey, and human hunting.


The red wolf was mainly wiped out by persistent, irrational human hunting, which ascribed almost mythic livestock-killing abilities to this retiring predator.

Habitat Loss

Habitat loss also caused declines in the animal population, including by causing isolated wolves to mate with coyotes and thus hybridize their bloodline out of existence.

These wolves used to live in the southern United States and eastern Canada, but their range has decreased because of habitat destruction. They were driven out of their home by deforestation and development projects. Red wolves have lost most of their habitat due to habitat degradation caused by humans.

The Red Wolf’s habitat is exceptionally small, located in the southern United States and eastern Canada. Due to habitat clearance and hunting, the population has reduced to only 100 individuals.

Red Wolves need a lot of space and room to roam, but their population has been declining, and their living spaces have been greatly reduced.

Red Wolves need a lot of space and room to roam, but their population has been declining, and their living spaces have been greatly reduced. Red Wolves require a large hunting range to find enough food for themselves.

These species mostly eat deer, and habitat destruction and hunting have caused wolves to become one of the most endangered animals in North America. Red Wolves need a lot of space to roam, but their population has been declining, and their living spaces have been greatly reduced.

Lack of Predator

The Red Wolf is endangered because there is not much food for the Red Wolf to feed on in the Southern United States and Eastern Canada. They usually feed on deer, rodents, and rabbits, but Red Wolves are starving due to the lack of food.

They are usually preyed on by coyotes and Black Bears. Red Wolves often die before they reach the age of three because they become sick or injured. Red wolves survive past the first three years and live until about 10 years old in the wild. Red Wolves help control the deer population so that there is not too much food per Red Wolf.


Some of these species are hunted because they attack livestock, but Red Wolves are not considered a threat to the livestock. Red Wolves also prey on deer, rodents, and rabbits, which makes them beneficial to humans in some ways.


The disease also takes its toll, and the threat of shooting or trapping is ongoing.

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Conservation efforts

The species owes its survival to concentrated conservation plans from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which gathered the last few animals into captivity in the 1970s.

There are now several hundred wolves in captivity, breeding successfully, and reintroduction efforts are underway. Still, the problem of where to reintroduce these elegant predators remains a stumbling block on the road to recovery.

Endangered species act

The Red Wolf is endangered, so keeping the Red Wolf Conservation Act is necessary. This act was created to ensure that Red Wolves would not become extinct and could live peacefully without fear of extinction. For the Red Wolf Conservation Act to be successful, it must be complemented by federal funding, habitat protection, and enforcement of hunting laws.

Red Wolves live in the Southern United States and eastern Canada, but their population has decreased to only 100 individuals due to hunting and habitat destruction.

Red wolves have become endangered because of predators such as coyotes, humans, and climate change. Red Wolves are predators that prey on rabbits and deer but may also consume rats and mice.

Red Wolf Sanctuaries

Red Wolf Sanctuaries are important because they help to protect the Red Wolves from extinction.

Red Wolf Sanctuaries provide a safe place for red wolves to live and help educate people about them and their importance. They are essential to the survival of Red Wolves.

Captive Breeding

The red wolf was originally considered extinct for about 75 years until specimens were rediscovered in the 1980s. From 1974 to 1980, red wolves were reintroduced from captive breeding at Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina, and Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Montana.

The red wolf is protected by law, and the Red Wolf Recovery Program protects these animals through captive breeding, and reintroduction into the forested regions of North Carolina and Tennessee.

Captive breeding is the process of breeding animals in controlled environments. This is done to increase the population of rare or endangered animals.

Captive breeding can also help researchers learn more about animal behavior and genetics. In the 1970s and 1980s, red wolves were nearly hunted to extinction.

Red Wolf Sanctuaries are also research facilities where sightings are recorded. This information is important for researchers to understand the Red Wolf’s behavior, diet, and life history.

Red wolves were captured and brought into captivity to help save their species. The Red wolf population has now grown in captive breeding programs. Red wolves reproduce very slowly, limiting how quickly they can be reintroduced back into the wild.

Reintroduction projects also help at Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge’s Bulls Island.

Research Program

One of the most important ways researchers help with conservation is by studying the animals and their habits. This helps us to understand how the animals live and what they need to survive. It also helps us develop strategies for protecting and helping them thrive.

In addition, research programs often work with local communities to help them understand and care for the animals.

This can help build trust between the community and conservationists. Although the Red Wolf Recovery Program’s efforts have been successful, red wolves are still facing extinction.

Educational Programs

A Red Wolf educational program is available for schools. The Red Wolf Education Center has classes for educators to take who want to teach children about the Red Wolf.

Classroom resources for Red Wolves, Red Wolves in North Carolina, and Red Wolves in Kansas are available on the website. The Red wolf is an endangered animal that is native to the southern United States and eastern Canada. It feeds on deer, rodents, and rabbits.

Due to hunting and habitat destruction, their population has dropped to only 100. They’re one of the most endangered animals in North America.

Online Campaigns

Several online campaigns promote conservation and awareness for Red Wolves. One such campaign is the Red Wolf Recovery Project, a collaborative effort between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Red Wolf Coalition (RWC).

This project seeks to increase the population size of red wolves through breeding programs, public education, and habitat preservation.

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Do you know of or are you a part of an organization that works to conserve the Red Wolf, then please contact us to have it featured on Our Endangered World.

World Wildlife Fund

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is a global conservation organization that aims to protect the world’s wildlife and their habitats.

One of their main focuses is the conservation of red wolves. The fund has partnered with the Red Wolf Coalition to help protect Red Wolves and their habitats. They have been working together to educate people about Red Wolves and how they can help protect them.

The World Wildlife Fund is the world’s largest conservation organization, with over 5 million members in over 100 countries and is dedicated to protecting living things and places.

The WWF works on a wide range of programs, such as reducing the worldwide demand for turtle products, protecting endangered species, and helping reduce soil erosion.

The Red Wolf Coalition

The Red Wolf Coalition is an organization that works to help Red Wolves in North America. They are dedicated to these species’ conservation efforts. Red wolves were originally found in the Southern United States and Eastern Canada, but their population has decreased drastically over time due to habitat destruction and hunting.

Red Wolf Coalition is working hard to change this. The notable organization is dedicated to the conservation of red wolves, one of the most endangered animals in North America. Its efforts include habitat preservation and population monitoring.

Red Wolf Coalition has a Rescue Program aims to rescue Red Wolves from captivity and relocate them to the wild. These wolf species are maintained in captivity for many reasons, such as how people like to see or interact with them at zoos.

RedWolf Alliance

The Red Wolf Alliance is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1989 by a group of researchers, conservationists, and landowners.

The Red Wolf Alliance’s mission is to raise public awareness about the Red wolf’s situation and to help fund research into Red wolves. Red Wolf Alliance also helps with Red wolf reintroduction programs.

Red Wolf Alliance promotes its mission by providing education on Red wolves through webinars, videos, and presentations for schools, communities, universities, and other organizations. Red Wolf Alliance also offers workshops on how to develop the land alongside Red wolves.

Wolf Conservation Center

The Red Wolf Conservation Center is a facility that is dedicated to the conservation of Red Wolves.

The center is located in North Carolina and was founded in 1987. The RWCC is home to the world’s largest Red Wolf population. The center aims to “increase the Red Wolf population, promote public education about these species, and enhance Red Wolf genetics through captive propagation and management.”

The organization does important work to help conserve Red Wolves. For example, the center breeds these wolves in captivity, releases wolves into the wild, and educates the public about these animals.

The RWCC is an important resource for helping to save Red Wolves from extinction. They are also an important part of the Red Wolf Conservation and Recovery Program formed in 1990. The Red Wolf Recovery Program is a program that has brought Red Wolf populations back from the brink of extinction.

Unfortunately, these wolf species are very endangered due to hunting and habitat loss, which is why we need organizations like the Red Wolf Center to help the Red Wolf populations recover.

Red wolves used to be much more common in North Carolina, but now their population is pretty low. They are very fascinating animals, and it is important that we do everything we can to help Red Wolves from becoming extinct.

Final Thoughts

red wolf

Red wolves are one of the most endangered animals in North America, and there is a lot we can do to help them. These creatures live in the Southern United States and eastern Canada, but their range has decreased dramatically due to habitat destruction, lack of prey, and human hunting.

These species need a lot of space and room to roam so that they can find enough food for themselves – which is why it’s important that we work together as conservationists with organizations such as The Red Wolf Coalition or RedWolf Alliance to reduce threats against this beautiful animal.

Coyotes and black bears usually prey on these wolves, so Red Wolves need a lot of space to find enough food for themselves. They often die before they reach the age of three because they become sick or injured, but many of these species who survive past the first three years will live until about 10 years.


Why is the Red Wolf endangered?

Red wolves are beautiful and endangered animals that feed on deer, rodents, and rabbits. They live in the southern United States and eastern Canada, but their population has decreased to only 100 individuals due to habitat destruction and hunting. They are one of the most endangered animals in North America.

Red Wolves used to inhabit much of North America; however, they were close to extinction by 1970 because they were hunted for their fur or killed as pests by farmers who claimed that Wolves preyed on livestock such as sheep (despite DNA tests showing that Red Wolf kills included primarily white-tailed deer).

What are some threats to Red Wolves?

Wolf populations have been attracted to humans because of the treatment they receive, which has caused them to be hunted more often. Red Wolf hunts for aggression displayed between animals are also a problem.

They are mostly hunted with traps and guns, so their population has decreased from 5,000 individuals in the 1940s to 100 individuals today.

How many Red Wolves are left in the world?

Red Wolves are one of the most endangered animals in North America. They live in the Southern United States and eastern Canada, but their population has decreased to only 100 individuals due to habitat destruction and hunting. These species are also known as Copper noses or Common Red Wolf.

What species of Red Wolves are there currently?

The red wolf is one of the most endangered species in North America. It has been hunted for its fur, and as a result of uncontrolled hunting, its population has dropped to only 100 individuals.

Why do Red Wolves need more habitat?

The species need a lot of space to roam. They eat deer, rodents, and rabbits for food, and they don’t want to compete with coyotes for this prey. These species also need a lot of living space because they give birth during the winter months.

Red wolf puppies grow up fast and will find their territory around age six months, but these wolves mature more slowly, so they need larger territories as adults to find mates.

Are Red Wolrds carnivores or herbivores?

The Red Wolf is a carnivore that feeds on deer, rodents, and rabbits.

How can I help red wolves?

Donating to Red Wolf conservation is an important act of solidarity with these species. You can help Red Wolf conservation by donating your time, money, or resources to Red Wolf-specific websites that are committed to providing information on how to work for Red Wolves.

Maintaining the diverse flora and fauna found in America means maintaining not just places like Yellowstone National Park but also keeping the animal populations healthy so they may survive should their habitats ever need them again.

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